Monday, July 8, 2013 Buy tickets for Kizomba Bootcamp by Prithvi & Ree's Just Dance

Venue: Just Dance, Frazer Town, 3rd Floor, Coles Road, Bangalore
Date: 8th to 17th July, 2013

Come learn intense and relaxing dance styles at the Kizomba Bootcamp by Prithvi & Ree's. Featuring International dance artists from ministry of dance & salsa Pattaya in collaboration with JUST DANCE, Bangalore, you will be introduced to a dance style that is fast gaining popularity.  Sign up for dance classes in Bangalore and learn Kizomba, Zumba, Argentine Tango or Bachata from the experts! Get your online tickets for Kizomba Bootcamp by Prithvi & Ree's Just Dance today on KyaZoonga!

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