Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Buy tickets online for Essence of Life is a Music and dance

Venue: Chowdiah Memorial Hall, 16th Cross, G.D. Park Extension, Malleswaram, Bangalore
Date: 28th September, 2013

Essence Of Life is a Music and dance programme inspired by great philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti`s teachings. We focus on each individual to enable him to understand what goes on in one’s mind. In this programme  not only is the enormity of human problems depicted but also the way out. .In this programme not only is the enormity of human problems depicted but also the way out; how to be completely free from it in five dance forms namely Bharatnatyam , Odissi, Kuchipudi, mohinyattam and Khatak. Buy tickets online today on KyaZoonga.

Contact KyaZoonga: +91-22-2637-6600

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