Friday, November 8, 2013 Buy tickets online for Psuche Delose Pre Festival at Dhanaulti

Venue: Camp Calista, Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand
Date: 9th November, 2013

Join in the Open-Air Pre-fest Dance Music gathering of the Psuche Delose Music Yoga & Art festival at Dhanaulti! Get away from the madness of the mundane 7500ft. high in the Himalayan mountains. Join the gathering of party people from all over the world as they come together among the whispering pines, under the shining stars. Buy tickets online for Psuche Delose Pre Festival at Dhanaulti. Buy tickets online for adventure camp in Dhanaulti. Ticket for Psuche Delose Pre Festival at Dhanaulti are now available on KyaZoonga.

Contact KyaZoonga: +91-22-2637-6600


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